Category Archives: Withdraw

Withdraw 55BMW – Instructions for receiving cash from 55bmw jili

Withdrawing 55BMW is a moment to enjoy the results gained after participating in betting at the bookie. Learn in detail how to withdraw money from 55bmw com ph right below.

Instructions on how to withdraw 55BMW money in the fastest way

Bookmaker 55BMW is one of the most prestigious betting addresses in the Asian betting market today. Therefore, deposit and withdrawal transactions always take place very quickly and easily. 

After winning, you can proceed to withdraw money from your account 55bmw5 immediately without any difficulty. 

To withdraw money 55BMW Regarding your bank account, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Check points at 55BMW account

When you deposit money, the amount will be converted into betting points. When participating in 55BMW’s services, the system will deduct or add points based on the bet points. 

Therefore, when winning and wanting withdraw money 55BMW, you need to check whether the valid bet level is enough or not. 

Next, please enter 55 bmw casino apk Then log in to 55BMW with your account => Select Fund Transfer.

Next, select and enter information as shown below.

  • Transfer from: You choose the game account and product you want to transfer from.
  • Go to: You need to select Primary Account.
  • Amount: You must enter the amount you want to withdraw. Note: 1 unit is equivalent to 1000 VND, so if you want to withdraw 500,000PHP, you only need to enter 500.

After you have entered all the information, click the Confirm button to complete.

Step 2: Update your bank account

To withdraw money 55BMW About express bank account, first you need to add your bank account information. 

You only need to do this step the first time, next time you can skip it.

Select the account icon and then press Payment account. Then enter full bank account information as below:

In which you need to note:

Account name: You need to enter the name of your bank account holder. 

Note, the name must match the first and last name registered 55BMW. 55bmw.con does not accept 3rd party payments (Recipient different from subscriber)

  • Bank: Select the bank from which you receive money.
  • Account number: Enter your account number here.
  • Bank branch: Enter the branch name of your bank.
  • City: Enter the name of the province and city where you opened the account.
  • 55BMW account password: Enter 55BMW password here.

After entering all information, click the Confirm button to add a bank account. 

The list of banks you have added is updated on the right, you can delete these accounts.

Step 3: Withdraw 55BMW to your bank account

After you have transferred money to your main account and updated your bank account number, select WITHDRAW.

You fill in the amount you want to withdraw, just like when depositing money, 1 unit corresponds to 1000 VND. To withdraw 100,000PHP, you only need to enter 100. 

In the account section, select the bank you added in step 2. Once selected, click Confirm to send the withdrawal order.

After Confirmation, the amount in the main account will be deducted, the system will display a notification that the withdrawal order is being processed.

Step 4: Check withdrawal transaction at 55BMW

You can check your withdrawals by clicking Lookup History. 

This will list the transactions you have made during the selected time period.

After about 15 – 30 minutes, the money will arrive in your bank account. Transaction withdraw money 55BMW completed.

55BMW withdrawal terms and conditions

To be withdraw money 55BMW, players need to pay attention to the rules and conditions of slot

In case you do not comply with the withdrawal conditions set by the bookie, you will not be able to withdraw money to your bank account. 

Below are some notes and conditions that you need to comply with in order to be able to withdraw money from 55BMW casino about your bank account.

  • Currently, 55BMW only has a method of withdrawing money to local banks. Therefore, players need to have a bank account to withdraw money.
  • Players need to ensure that they do not violate any of the bookmaker’s rules and regulations. Thus, the withdrawal transaction was successfully processed by 55BMW.
  • Players need to remember that in each withdrawal transaction, you can only withdraw a maximum of 100 million PHP and a minimum of 100 thousand PHP.
  • The balance in the 55BMW account must be over 100,000PHP.
  • Transfer money from the game to the main account before making a withdrawal.
  • The bank account needs to be the “official owner”, the account name must match the name when registering.
  • The withdrawal method is similar to the previous deposit method.
  • You just need to pay attention to the above rules and conditions for withdrawing money withdraw money 55BMW about your bank account. If you do not violate the rules of casino 55bmw then the withdrawal will be 100% successful.

Through the tutorial article withdraw money 55BMW above, hope you will be able to operate as quickly and easily as possible. 

Just wait for a few hours, the money will immediately be transferred to your account and you can withdraw it anytime you want.

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